The Sardine’s Funerals 2011

Poster for the Sardine in Puntallana, 2011
March 17, 2011

How many funerals can you hold for a sardine? On La Palma, at least five. Los Llanos and Santa Cruz have already held theirs, but Puntalllana’s is on Friday night at 10 pm, and it’s got a 1960s theme. Public dance afterwards. The most famous sardine’s funeral on the island is at Los Sauces. This year it will be on Saturday 19th, with batucada (serious percussion) at 8 pm, drag…


The Caldera

Most people say La Palma is the most beautiful of the Canary Islands. And practically everybody agrees that the most beautiful part of La Palma is the Caldera de Taburiente. In 1825, the German geologist Leopold von Buch studied the Caldera de Taburiente and concluded that the crater was formed by the emptying of a magma chamber below. He was sufficiently impressed with it that he gave the name “caldera”…

March 15, 2011

Carnival Programme for the weekend

Saturday 12th March Santa Cruz de la Palma All day long, music will be performed in various parts of the town to entertain passersby. Workshops, bouncy castles and festivals for the little ones. Performance by DJ Hanfry Martinez and various DJs from the Academia Red Bull. 10:00-12:00h. children’s games in the plaza de la Alameda. 12:00 h. VI Festival Orillas del Son «Fiesta Cubana», with music from Cristina and Carmelina…

March 11, 2011

Carnival programme for Wednesday to Friday: Santa Cruz and Los Llanos

Wednesday 9th March The Sardine’s funeral This is probably the second biggest event in Carnival. As the name suggests, it’s a funeral for a gigantic sardine, and downright Pythonesque too. Wear black and/or drag, and be prepared to wail with fake grief. Wednesday in Santa Cruz, Friday in Los Llanos, Saturday 19th in Los Sauces (a particularly good one) Santa Cruz de la Palma 18:00h. Reception and Wake for the…

March 8, 2011