The 1960s concert in Los Cancajos

Los Cancajos held a 1960s fiesta on Saturday. The fun went on all day, but I only saw the concert in the early evening by La Retranka. I was disappointed that so few people dressed up. Let me tell you something – you’ll have a lot more fun if you do. The music was good. After all, there are lots of good songs from the 60s, and this is a…

March 4, 2012

A Social Whirl

March 4, 2012

After several weeks of all work and very little play, it was time for some belated carnival action. Los Cancajos held a 1960s day on Saturday, and we went along for the live band in the early evening, suitably dressed. The costume came from a shop in the village, with added heavy eye makeup.  Here’s my husband with the drummer from the band La Retranka.


Carnival this weekend on La Palma

The poster for Los Sauces sardine's funeral
March 2, 2012

On Friday 2nd March, Los Cancajos will hold its carnival parade, with about 400 participantes (children in fancy dress, serious percussion and other carnival bands). The parade starts at about 5:30 at the south end of the village (near Las Olas hotel)and will go along the main street to the Centro Cancajos, where there will be a performance by clowns. On Saturday, Los Cancajos will hold their 1960s party,starting at…


Las Toscas Astronomical Viewpoint

Looking south and west from Las Toscas astronomical viewpoint, Mazo
March 1, 2012

  There is a new astronomical viewpoint above Mazo at Las Toscas.  Like the others, it has parking space, level ground suitable for tripods, a signpost pointing to the pole star, and an information panel. This one has information about noctural wildlife on La Palma: bats, owls and crickets. It’s well away from street lights, although it does give a great view down to the island’s airport. To get there,…