Constitution Day

It’s Constitution Day in Spain. On this day in 1978: The Spanish Nation, wishing to establish justice, liberty and security, and to promote the welfare of all who make part of it, in use of her sovereignty, proclaims its will to: Guarantee democratic life within the Constitution and the laws according to a just economic and social order. Consolidate a State ensuring the rule of law as an expression of…

December 6, 2012

“A Breathtaking Window on the Universe” on sale!

A Brethtaking Window on the Universe on sale in Santa Cruz de La Palma
December 2, 2012

“A Breathtaking Window on the Universe” has arrived on La Palma, and is on sale at the following outlets: Santa Cruz de La Palma: Librería Trasera (Calle Trasera) Papiro Libros (Calle Real) Molina Artesania (Calle Real) The Best of La Palma (Calle Real) Los Llanos María Luasteida Rodríguez Cabello (The souvenir shop at the bottom of the church square) Breña Alta: Museo del Puro I hope to arrange more outlets…


“A Breathtaking Window on the Universe” on sale!

“A Breathtaking Window on the Universe” has arrived on La Palma, and is on sale at the following outlets: Santa Cruz de La Palma: Librería Trasera (Calle Trasera) Papiro Libros (Calle Real) Molina Artesania (Calle Real) The Best of La Palma (Calle Real) Los Llanos María Luasteida Rodríguez Cabello (The souvenir shop at the bottom of the church square) Breña Alta: Museo del Puro I hope to arrange more outlets…

December 2, 2012

On sale!

December 1, 2012

The copies of “A Breathtaking Window on the Universe” have arrived on La Palma.  For a list of outlets, see the Dragon Tree Publishing site.