
I’m having a good time in Berlin, seeing the sights and walking miles. In fact I’m too busy to write much.

March 22, 2017

Off on holiday

This afternoon I’m flying off to Berlin with fellow students from my German class. I’ve scheduled a Squee Sunday for while I’m away, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to create new posts post with my phone. Surprisingly (to me, anyway) I’ve found that I can write fiction on my smartphone. I use the Evernote App which means that I can access the files from a computer afterwards….

March 18, 2017

Pi Day

March 15, 2017

If you write the 14th of March American style, you get 3.14, so American geeks call it “Pi Day” and generally celebrate by eating pie. This strikes me as silly and arbitrary an excuse to eat pie. So of course we celebrate it. I don’t cook pie often because pastry is a bit of a faff on and cleaning up afterwards is worse. One of the few exceptions is Pi…


Squee Sunday: Baby Orangutans

March 12, 2017

I’ve been reading about the Unseen University and it’s librarian, so I have orangutans on the brain. Orangutans are great apes (of the genus Pongo), so of course they look very much like humans. It’s easy to see their feelings. Plus they’re red heads like me. Redbodies?