• The Seer’s Stone
  • The Dodo Dragon and other stories
  • About Sheila Crosby
  • A Breathtaking Window on the Universe

Sunday photos – Lava

Ufff! That’s the translation and all associated paperwork completed, which is quite a relief. Wouldn’t you know it, my phone died, right in the middle of recovering a password which didn’t help at all. Luckily we have a not-very-smart phone which we keep for emergencies. After charging it and moving the SIM card and memory card over I had a phone again. Of course that left me with apps to…


Sunday Photos: Los Tilos

It’s been mad busy. I’ve been translating as fast as I could go and it’s nearly done. The Festivalito film group is going less well. My third attempt at a script was well received, but I had to miss most of the meeting to firm it up. And the next thing I knew was that the group had broken up for reasons I don’t understand. It was a tight, and…


Sunday photos: dawn at the Roque

Another week with not much progress on “Pinch Me”, but for nice reasons. I sent off another query to another agency about “Murder by Starlight”, so that’s 10 queries out there, and I feel I can afford to hold off sending more until I get a reply or two. I haven’t heard back about the big translating job, but I got a different one. I’m translating the Transvulcania website. (Transvulcania…


Sunday Photos: Barlovento

I didn’t get all that much writing done this week because I snuck off to Barlovento for a couple of nights. My friend Petra had a cottage at Las Cabezadas for a week and invited me to join her for a while. Probably my favourite bit was the ducklings at Barlovento reservoir. As you can see, they were utterly adorable. But as ususal I took photos of everything, particularly insects…


Sunday photos: butterfly and Mt Teide

I’ve made steady progress this week, but I don’t have anything very exciting to report. I’ve learned about Spanish civics and rivers, produced a different length of synopsis for Murder by Starlight and fleshed out my character profiles for “Pinch Me”. Oh, and I’ve updated my amazon author page It is progress really, but it doesn’t much feel like it.