Sunday Photos: San Bartolome


It’s been a busy week. I finished the translation and signed off as self employed. My husband finished repairing the business end of my old laptop which is now in my friends’ office, connected up to a keyboard, mouse and monitor. It was really nice to stop lugging my laptop backwards and forwards, particularly since I have to park some distance away.

I’ve got a vague idea for a short story, but so far it won’t gel and my attempts to write it are going nowhere. On the plus side, I researched literary agents and now I know the first two that I’ll approach. I’ve also polished the synopsis of the novel and my covering letter and I’m almost ready to go. It will be good to get started because it’s likely to take ages.

The trunk end of a dragon tree leaf

I celebrated by going out with my friend Petra to San Bartolome. I discovered that the end of a dragon tree leaf is often shaped like a whale’s tail, only with lovely autumn colours.

I also found that there’s some sort of caterpillar that makes it’s pupa using tiny bits of twigs.

Some sort of pupa

And while looking for more pupae, Petra found this rather sweet weevil.

Some sort of weevil

Posted by sheila

Sheila came to La Palma with a six month contract and has stayed 24 years so far. She used to work as a software engineer at the observatory, but now she's a writer and Starlight guide.

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