NOT a place I’ve been before

In all my 11 years of working at the Roque as a software engineer, I never visited the Nordic Optical Telescope. We used to joke that it was NOT one of ours. And in two years of tour guiding up there, I never went in either. It was NOT on my programme. But now I’m writing an e-book about the observatory, and it’s NOT a good idea to write about…

November 22, 2009

All Saints Day

November 1, 2007

In Spain people decorate the tombs of their relatives on All Saints Day (November 1st) . Here’s a couple of photos of our local cemetery. For the last three days I’ve concentrated on giving a short story a major edit ready for an anthology deadline. In the end I wrote 3,000 new words in three days. Now I’m shattered and the house is a mess, but I’m pleased with the…