Where to watch the sunrise and sunset on La Palma

I asked my Facebook friends for their favourite places to watch the sunrise or sunset on La Palma. Sunrise: Pico de la Montaña Montaña de Las Breñas Tirimaga (but there’s always a cold wind – wrap up well) Birigoyo Roque de Los Muchachos NB: The road to the Roque is closed from sunset to sunrise to avoid light pollution. You’ll have to walk. And please don’t have any car lights…

July 27, 2014

Ravens on La Palma

Common Ravens live all over Europe, Asia and North America, but we have a different sub-species here. Some biologists group our raven in with the North African sub-species (Corvus corax tingitanus) and others think the Canaries have their own sub-species (Corvus corax canariensis). Like other members of the rook-and-crow family, they’ll eat whatever’s available: carrion, insects, cereal grains, berries, fruit, small animals, and food waste. And they’re pretty intelligent about…

July 24, 2014


The Canarian Tourist Board have some good ideas. One was to invite 7 artists from all around Europe to visit an island each with a local artist, and La Palma got Steve Simpson. who was hosted by Victor Jaubert. You can see the work of the artists at the Twitter hashtag #onthedraw

July 21, 2014

The Swedish Solar Tower

The Swedish Solar Tower, Roque de Los Muchachos observatory
July 1, 2014

Two of the fourteen telescopes at the Roque de los Muchachos observatory are solar telescopes — highly specialised to observe our own sun. This is the Swedish Solar Telescope, which was the first telescope built on the Roque. It’s currently the best solar telescope in the world since they added the new adaptive optics in 2005. (Adaptive optics compensate for air turbulence.) It can resolve details of the sun’s surface…


Visiting the observatory 2014

La Palma is home to one of the three most important astronomical observatories in the world. (The other two are Hawaii and the Atacama desert in Chile.) The observatory sits at the top of the island, at the Roque de los Muchachos. It’s a fascinating place to visit, but it’s not normally open to tourists – they’re too busy doing science. However, you can sign up for a 90 minutes…

June 26, 2014

Flags Galore

Garafía's flag
June 11, 2014

  You see a lot of flags on La Palma. Most English visitors will recognise the flags of Spain and the European Union. But the Canary Islands are an autonomous region within Spain, and they have their own flag too. You see it a lot, especially around May 30th, which is Canary Day. And then each island has its own flag. Here’s the flag of La Palma: And as if…