Burnt matches

My hair colour is my own. I paid for the dye: I did the work: it’s mine! I’ve been dying it for years, because I went prematurely grey. For a long time, I used a strawberry blonde colour that was actually quite similar to my natural hair colour when I was a toddler. It looked pretty and natural. But they stopped making it. So I tried a new dye that…

July 22, 2008

Dying of Embarrassment

Tomorrow is my first day of the summer, tour guiding at the British telescopes, and I want to look respectable. After all, I’ll be representing the British Telescopes to nearly fifty people. So I got out my tour guide outfit and checked that it still fits, and found matching shoes, and so on. I also dyed my hair, because the roots were getting very noticeable. Now I used the same…

May 8, 2008