The Living Statues are Back

Every year Santa Cruz has a demonstration of living statues, and this year is the fourth. The statues are on the Calle Real today, Saturday and Sunday.Everybody calls the main street in Santa Cruz de la Palma, “the Calle Real”, but nowhere along it’s length is there a street sign with that name! I used to suspect that the whole thing was invented to confuse visitors, but now I know…

March 27, 2009

More Living Statues

This is Aladin. to my amazement, he said he’d only been practising with the glass ball for about a year, although sometimes for hours at a time. He’s from Poland originally, but now he lives in Tenerife because he’s in love with the golden Fairy. There were a couple of other living statues that did a better job of staying immobile (in my opinion) but were less interesting when they…

March 29, 2008