Chain Blog Post

 Patsy Collins talked me into joining the Writing Process Blog Tour. She’s a novelist and short story writer. Her short story collection is currently available to download FREE from Amazon HERE I’m supposed to answer four questions, so here goes. What am I working on? I’m putting the finishing touches to an anthology of short stories for children. Technically, it’s what Ursula Le Guin called a story suite. Rather than a bunch…

December 23, 2013

Filming part 4: The observatory

I arrived feeling very upset (see previous episode), but I had to calm myself down and get on with it. I had to get to the heliport by 11:45 to meet a group of tourists, and there was a lot of filming to do before then. Luckily, several people people were kind and helped me pull myself together. So we filmed in the residencia for a bit. Then the TV…

March 3, 2011

Filming, part 2: Llano de los Jables

March 2, 2011

The cloud waterfall Shortly before sunset I met the TV crew again at Llano de los Jables, at about 1,850 m (6,000 ft) with a group of friends who’d volunteered to come along at short notice (because the TV crew changed the date from Monday to Tuesday to Wednesday and back to Tuesday while they sorted out their complicated schedule.) I spent the afternoon baking a chocolate cake, because I…


Filming, part 1: Los Tilos

March 1, 2011

Me and Helen On Tuesday I met Helen and the TV crew at Los Tilos. I’d planned to get there good and early, but by the time I’d found my makeup and put it on (I don’t usually bother) and got dressed right it was all a bit last minute. So instead of getting there early, I arrived one minute late. Laura, the director Helen was already talking to the…