Procession for the Sacred Heart

They have lots of religious processions on La Palma, where they take the statue out of the church and around the neighbourhood streets, with music provided by the town band. A lot of the statues are beautiful, but if you see a lot of these processions, they do get a bit samey. This one started much like all the others, only on the salt carpet. But when they got halfway…

June 23, 2009

Archways for the Sacred Heart

Ahem. When I said “…more photos tomorrow”, I actually meant “mañana”. The salt carpets aren’t the only thing. They also make wonderful archways, similar to those in Mazo. Well, as you can see, these days some of them aren’t arches. In this case the carpet is leaves from tree-heathers, laid down with a garden seive. Like the ones in Mazo, they’re decorated with seeds and flowers. Unlike the ones in…

June 22, 2009