An Overdue Explanation, Part 1

April 21, 2022

I promised an explanation for my long hiatus. All last spring and summer I had this annoying pulled muscle at the top of my left thigh that would get better, then worse, then better, then worse. On September 4th it was diagnosed as a sarcoma, and already big. The Spanish health service escalated me to the University Hospital on Tenerife in under a week and started putting me in million-dollar scanning…


An Announcement

Dragon Tree Publishing will no longer sell books to Russia until further notice. I’m joining the boycott. Actually, I’ve never sold a book to Russia yet, so nobody will notice, much less Putin. But I want to do something and a pointless gesture is the best I’ve got. Well, that and a donation to Doctors Without Borders. In other news, I hope to start blogging again soon, at least sporadically,…

March 4, 2022


I hope you enjoyed celebrating Christmas, or whatever is your thing. Things are going about as well as could be expected, and I hope to be back in a few months, maybe in March

January 8, 2022

Sunday Photo: my new blouse

I finally finished my new blouse. To my surprise, I made a pretty good job of the neck facing and set-in sleeves, so I’ll have a bit more confidence next time. I’m up to 7,600 words on Pinch Me, and I’ve written a bunch of half-finished articles for Oh, and I got, and finished, a small translating job. Every little helps.

August 29, 2021

Sunday photos: knitted scarves

August 23, 2021

I’ve been rather more productive this week, but not so much with writing. I wrote a couple of thousand words of the exo-biology story before I realised that I couldn’t make the deadline. I wrote 1,700 words of the first draft of Pinch Me. Oh, and some blogging about the wildfire on the island, which is thankful dealt with. I have been quite busy with various kinds of needlework, though….


Sunday photos: Fuencaliente

The salt works at Fuencaliente, the southern tip of La Palma island
August 16, 2021

We’ve had a visitor this week, so we went to the southern tip of the island to see the Fuencaliente salt works. Chai Latte enjoyed the suitcase so much that our visitor kindly left it open for her, and she spent so much time in it that we think that once our visitor leaves, we should let her have one of ours to sleep in. I got one SF short…