Wanna be a Writer?

I’ve just finished enjoying “Wannabe a Writer?” by Jane Wenham-Jones. Most books on writing give the same (good) advice. Like go very easy on the adverbs; pick a better verb in the first place. And, show, don’t tell. In other words, don’t say, “John was cruel.” Say, “As John opened the door, he found a half-starved kitten meowing outside. He kicked it.” This book is different. It give no advice…

June 2, 2009

How to Look Ridiculous

1) Sit at your computer a lot, nibbling away until you acquire a serious case of Writer’s Bottom. 2) Go to yoga. Just visualise a very large rear end wobbling over a very fat tum, while the inelegant legs desperately try to straighten out and reach for the ceiling. Of course if I keep up with the yoga, I’ll eventually stop looking ridiculous.

October 2, 2008