On holiday

I’ve escaped for 10 days before the summer guiding rush. On Sunday morning I flew to Tenerife and spent a pleasant afternoon and evening, mostly in the hotel room. I took a nap and caught up with email. For lunch, we found a nearby Irish bar called Grandee O’Donnell that was serving Sunday roasts. It was damn good! So we went back for dinner (also good) and a little karaoke….

June 21, 2016


Writers and Bloggers of Spain conference, 2015 at the Parador in Antequera
November 11, 2015

. I’m back home and feeling an intermittent tap against my toes as they touch the ground now and then. The conference was great! WABAS stands for Writers and Blogger in Spain but we were a very diverse group, including a market researcher, a virtual assistant, a flamenco dancer and an English teacher. I signed up for it because I felt I needed to get off my hamster wheel in…


90,000 reasons to be cheerful

Progress on the first draft of the whodunnit has finally got to 90,000 words. That was a bigger deal than Halloween this year. My son made brownies so I’d have something to put candles in. Not far now, and I’m manageing 200 words per day without much trouble. I really ought to make a final decision on the title soon.

November 2, 2015

Thirsty Ravens

Raven drinking water from a bottle top with the telescopes of the Roque de Los Muchachos behind
September 9, 2015

After tour guiding yesterday I went up to the Roque hoping for a chat with the ravens. They turned up all right, but they didn’t seem as interested as usual in the biscuits on offer. It turned out that they were really thirsty. I was rather surprised, because birds have such good kidneys that they need very little water. In any case, there’s a water tap with a little pool…



After 4 days off in a row, the house is looking cleaner and tidier. The heaps of “stuff to tidy later” have shrunk noticably. I bought fly swats instead of just cursing the flies. I submitted two stories. I’m feeling loads better too. In fact, I know I’m fully recovered because I’ve finally got the urge to write fiction again. And I’m back to work tomorrow, so I won’t have…

August 28, 2015


Yeah, I slowed right down again. Partly due to that pesky business of earning money. So I’d better go back to work and get another baby step out of the way.

August 3, 2014