This is the large size telescope this morning. The engineers have taken the covers off the huge mirror, which makes it all the more spectacular. In other news, I’m the featured business at Starter Story It’s about how I started Dragon Tree publshing
Photos of the week
It’s been another frantic week. I’ve had plenty of guiding work again, plus the Starlight guide course. My cold is better, but I trapped my hand between my car door and the wing mirror of an adjacent car. I count myself extremely lucky that it wasn’t very much worse. Progress on the guide book is still happening in embarassingly tiny steps, but I keep going. I even…
Clouds and trees
I’m still extremely busy with tour guiding work, which is nice. Last year March was dead, but I look like being busy up to Easter with a Starlight Guide couse to fit in too. And now I’ve got a bad cold. But I’m still plodding along, taking baby steps on the guide book update and slowly making progress.
Sunday Photos: a bee and a butterfly
I took these on my way down from the observatory today.
Sunday Photos: The solar system and the Large Size Telescope
On Saturday I brought up my model solar system for my clients. The sun is too small. to be in scale with the planets, it ought to be 4m in diameter, but that’s rather inconvenient to fit in the car. The first four planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are marbles and too small to see in the photograph, but the girl in the foreground is holding up the Earth….
Sunday photo: Chai snoozing
In case you’re puzzled, she’s got her frontlegs crossed. the pink fur and ribbon thing is her favourite toy, which she carries around the house with her, like a toddler with a teddy bear. Yes, I know I’m posting a lot of photos of Chai. She’s extemely photogenic. In other news, work continues slowly but surely on the book. I’ll get there! But carnival is coming and I’ll probably take…