Corpus Christi in Breña Baja

San Jose in Breña Baja always celebrates Corpus Christi on the Sunday after Mazo’s celebration. Since the whole thing takes out on a flat, tarmaced street, the tradition is to make carpets of coloured salt, with the altars being much more modest. In recent years, many of the carpets are made from seeds and petals, like the ones in Mazo. Much as I love the petals, I think it’s a…

June 6, 2010

Fiesta de la Cruz 2010

Last night we went to look at the crosses. It was still very early, so the area around Cruz de la Pavona, at the top end of Breña Alta was packed with people. My husband was so busy not driving over pedestrians that he went past the turn off to go down the hill past the usual run of crosses. After that it was one way down the hill, so…

May 3, 2010

Fiesta de la Cruz 2010

Last night we went to look at the crosses. It was still very early, so the area around Cruz de la Pavona, at the top end of Breña Alta was packed with people. My husband was so busy not driving over pedestrians that he went past the turn off to go down the hill past the usual run of crosses. After that it was one way down the hill, so…

May 3, 2010

The Octopus’s Funeral, Los Cancajos

The octopus’s funeral procession Most places in Spain end Carnival with a mock funeral for a sardine. Los Cancajos decided to have a few carnival events this year, ending in an Octopus’s funeral (just for a change). Close up of the octopus But the weather was terrible, and they postponed it for two weeks. And when the new date came around, there weather was terrible again, and they had to…

March 13, 2010

Fiestas in Breña Baja

Los CancajosThey’ll be having yet another attempt to cremate the octopus in Los Cancajos on Friday 12th, starting at 8pm. This was supposed to happen during Carnival, but it’s been postponed twice due to bad weather. The town hall assures everyone that the octopus won’t have gone smelly, because it’s been frozen during the wait.[This is a joke. I’m sure it isn’t a real octopus.]Anyway, the procession will leave at…

March 9, 2010

An Octupus and a Sardine

The Octopus’s funeral has been rescheduled for Friday 26th. The procession will leave the pharmacy at 8 pm and make its way to the beach, where the octopus will be cremated. There will be fireworks and dancing. Everybody welcome.This is a new fiesta, so it’ll be interesting to see Meanwhile the sardine’s funeral at Los Sauces will take place on Saturday 27th. The percussion music starts at 8 pm and…

February 23, 2010