No Squee Sunday because…

April 16, 2017

I’m very, very close to the end of the second draft of my novel, “Murder by Starlight”. 99,000 words down, about 2,000 to go. I can’t bear to stop. When I get to THE END I will have a coherent novel. There will still be things to fix, but unlike the first draft I won’t have things like: [Write a scene here in which they quarrel and stop speaking] People…



This morning I went to sign off for the month as an self employed. I tried to do it on Friday, but Social Security said I needed to sign off at the tax office first, and they said I needed to make an appointment, which I couldn’t get until today. When I got there at 9:10 I had to queue while another lady got a huge pile of papers rubber…

March 1, 2017

Back at Rivendell

Laptop on a table in front of a window, with the Caldera de Taburiente outside
January 28, 2017

Yay! I’m back at Rivendell for the weekend. Only I have to say it’s not as good as last time. It’s better! There are kittens and I’ve got wi-fi, which is why I can upload this post. This time, the place is petty full.We all had a BBQ last night. As so often happens with BBQs, we ate far later than expected, but we had a good time. I love…


An unusual Nativity

The nativity scene in Las Nieves church on Christmas Eve with a kitten in place of baby Jesus
December 27, 2016

Most churches on La Palma have nativity scenes. The custom here is to put baby Jesus in at midnight on Christmas Eve, during midnight mass. (I think this is a general Catholic custom). On Christmas Eve I was guiding an excursion from a cruise ship which included the lovely church at Las Nieves. And there was a kitten keeping the spot warm for Jesus. If I remember rightly, nativity scenes…


Writing in Rivendell

Amazing view downt he Barranco de angustias, Rivendell, Caldera de Taburiente, La Palma
September 28, 2016

I took a mini-break to stay at my friend Alison’s new B&B in the Caldera. It was marvelous. How could any writer now be inspired by a spot like this? Rivendell is a good name. It’s “a perfect house, whether you like food or sleep or story-telling or singing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all.” And here’s the view: I arrived later than…


Plot and Storytelling Workshop

Woman’s Weekly magazine run workshops for writers and I’ve drooled over the adverts for years. £79 for a workshop always seemed like rather good value, but of course when you add in flights from La Palma and a London hotel, it was a non-starter. But I managed to plan the holiday around one, and I went on my last day in the UK. It was great, and I learned a…

June 28, 2016